

Train du Centre Var - Travel tip

The Caravelle railcar passing the Candelon pink marble quarry

Note - This travel tip applies to traffic days with a morning train Carnoules-les-Platanes - Brignoles and an afternoon train Brignoles - Carnoules-les-Platanes, see timetable.

Use your car to take you to Carnoules-les-Platanes (GPS  43.310471  6.188478 ) to board the ATTCV morning train at 09.30. For advice on recommended route and driving time use e.g ViaMichelin. There is plenty of parking space at the station.

Enjoy the presentation from the train guide and the views of the countryside during the trip to Brignoles. Should your knowledge of the language of Molière not be sufficient, don't hesitate to ask the guide for information in English.

The train stops for a short while in Sainte Anastasie. The train has a bar service with soft drinks. You arrive in Brignoles at 10.45. Mention to the train crew that you will return with the afternoon train.

Walk the 700 m along Rue Louis Ottavani and Rue Caryamette to Rue Saint-Joseph in the old town to visit the museum - Musée du Pays Brignolais, a good starting point for your visit to Brignoles. The museum - located in the Palais des comtes de Provence - is managed by a nonprofit association. Allow 1 hour for the visit.  

Use the remaining time in Brignoles for lunch and sightseeing,  E.g continue 100 m to the north from the museum to the chuch, and then further to Place Caramy, where you find a selection of cafés and restaurants, see also e.g this list of restaurants.

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Make sure you are back at the station by 16.35 to take the train back to Carnoules-les-Platanes.

During the trip back the train stops as Sainte Anastasie. The station building is during this stop open. You can there visit the ATTCV shop, where you find local products (honey, marmalade, wine) and train souvenirs.

You are back in Carnoules-les-Platanes and your car at 17.45.

 Travel video
Sit back and enjoy. Views from inside the Caravelle during a ride Carnoules - Brignoles - Carnoules.

Info on days of ATTCV train service, timetable, tickets, etc