

Train du Centre Var - General Assembly 2013

It is a cool sunny Sunday morning at Sainte Anastasie. Temperature hardly above zero. A group of people are viewing how a USI passenger carriage is slowly pushed through the morning mist into the station by a diesel locomotive.

The date is 27 January 2013, the date for the 2013 General Assembly of ATTCV, the association that operates the Train Touristique du Centre Var - between Carnoules and Brignoles.

The Assembly is held in the USI, with seats rearranged so as to create a convenient meeting rooom. Some 30 members, active members, as well as representatives of local authorities from communes along the tourist line participate.

The Assembly chair presents the activities and results of last years traffic season. The association has seen a drastic increase in number of passengers over the last 7-8 years. But, due to the present economic situation, the results show a reduction from 5800 passengers in 2011 to 4600 in 2012. The French tourist industry has experienced worse results than previous years. This means that ATTCV been less seriously hit.

But from the point of view of its rail vehicle collection, the association has seen a dramatic growth over the last 7 years. Until 2006, when the two Caravelle railcars arrived, the only railcar was the Picasso. Since then the number and types of vehicles have continually increased, in particular during 2012.

Among the some 25 rail vehicles the association today has at its disposal are four railcars, two diesel locomotives, two rail/road vehicles, a diesel shunting engine and several passenger carriages.

Apart from the fact that the collection has grown into a railway museum, the passenger capacity has also grown substantially. Tourist trains with up to 300 passenger seats can now be offered. At the phote excusion (Train Photo Festival) held in May 2012, it was possible to assembly four different trains, three passenger trains and one freight train.

As concerns the planned extension of the tourist service to Saint Maximin, a "roadblock" is the still not solved road/rail traffic coexistence situation in Brignoles. The search for a solution is progressing but a date for start of the service can still not be predicted.

As concernes the management of the association, a new 12-member Board was elected for a 3-year period. Chair, vice chairs and heads of departments were agreed by a Board meeting held immediately after the close of the Assembly.

After closure of the Assembly, the participants were offered a cocktail in the Sainte Anastasie station building, after which they joined for lunch at a Sainte Anastasie restaurant.

Info on ATTCV