

ATTCV General Assembly 2015 in Brignoles

ATTCV - Association Train Touristique du Centre Var

ATTCV held its annual General Assembly meeting in Brignoles, on a gray and rainy Saturday February 14, 2015.

The meeting was held in the party hall (Salle des fêtes) of the communal building Hôpital Saint Jean at Rue de l'Hôpital (Hospital Road). This building, with its now modern interior, has a history going back to the 12th century and is therefore declared as a historical monument. It was first erected as a "hospital for poor women", but was destroyed during 14th century wars. Rebuilt in 1548, now as a "hospital for poor men".  It was in the mid 1750-s used as a military hospital and in the remainder of the same century as a home for abandoned children. It was also for some period a relay for pilgrims to Saint Jacques de Compostela. The decorated entrance from 1547 is still the main entrance from Rue de l'Hôpital, but the entrance to the party hall is held in a modern style.

ATTCV is a rather small association in terms of number of members, but has a very enthusiastic "hard core" group of active members, which ensures its good and visible results, not least in terms of tourist attraction, increasingly recognized by local authorities. This was manifested by the presence of nine elected officials from these communes, all expressing their appreciation of the association's activities.

The chairman could present an increase in number of passengers during the year, the third highest so far. Excursions with one of the railcars, Caravelle X-4567, to the Alps (Veyn'Art), the Miramas Train Festival (The Daltons) and to Tende in Alpes-Maritimes (Train des Merveilles - Retro) have also been successful and shown the association's capability and reliability in providing such services.

The collection of rail vehicles has stayed unchanged during 2014. All are stored at the depot in Besse-sur-Issole, except one diesel engine, which is on long time loan to another association. No further extention is foreseen for 2015.

Major projects are
- restoration/renovation of the diesel engine of the Picasso railcar. A timeconsuming and expensive "exercise".
- move of the current eastern terminal, now at Carnoules les Platanes, to a location at or near the Carnoules SNCF station. This would greatly simplify transfer of passengers between ATTCV and SNCF trains, but there are still security problems to solve (e.g TGV passes the station at high speed).
- extension of the ATTCV train service vid Tourves (and its Red Faces Museum) to Saint-Maximin (and its old basilic). There is still a need to find technical solutions to security problems at level crossings.

Four new Board members were elected.

After the meeting an aperitif was offered to the attendees, who then joined for a lunch in a local restaurant.
