

Train Festival in Brignoles in April

DU 65 and X-2204

A Tourist Train Festival will be held on Sat-Sun 25-26 April 2015 at Brignoles station, in connection with the 86th Brignoles Fair (86e Foire de Brignoles), an annual agricultural fair.

In addition to ATTCV, which will present a subset of its collection of rail vehicles, other railway heritage associations in Provence will participate with stands. The railroad museum in Savigliano in Italy will also be represented.

To the enjoyment of young and old, ATTCV's draisine (speeder) DU 65 will take passengers on journeys during the day between Brignoles and Camps-la-Source and a rail bicycle (vélo-rail) operate in the Brignoles yard.

The vehicles, stands and activities will be there between 9.30 and 17.30 both days.

The detailed programme is yet to prepare. It and further information will made available on the ATTCV website.

Read about the ATTCV and its vehicles
Open Air Railway Museum
Railcars for Passengers

Other participants:
Train des Pignes (GECP)
Chemins de Fer de Provence
Association APCC 6570
Museo Ferroviario Piemontese in Sagviliano