Sunday May 13 was the starting day for GECP's steam train operations this year. A large number of passengers were waiting on the platform in brilliant sunshine with a warm wind blowing when the locomotive, E 211 Portuguese, backed into the station in Puget-Thénier with a train composed of five old restored passenger carriages and a goods wagon.
A few moments earlier, the waiting passengers had the opportunity to see one of CP's new modern railcars, painted yellow and red, make a stop at the station. Quite a generation gap (a century) compared with the steam train. A few steam train passengers also arrived from Nice on this railcar.
The steam train with its passengers left as scheduled for the yourney up the Var valley to Annot, which it reached after a stop in Entrevaux. The passengers had three hours in Annot for a promenade down to the centre of the village, for a lunch at one of its restaurants and a sightseeing walking tour.
Some passengers had brought a picknic and stayed at the station for a while. They had the opportunity to see one of the earlier CP railcars still in operation, arriving from Digne, stop at the station prior to taking off for its onward journey to Nice.
At the stops in Entrevaux and Annot, many took the opportunity to take photos of the steam engine.
Groupe d'Etude pour les Chemins de fer de Provence
CP = Chemins de Fer de Provence